- Open existing PDF document for editing, or create brand new PDF documents;
- Display PDF document in full details, with quality almost matching Adobe® Reader.
- Zoom in and zoom out page display;
- Fast and reliable WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editing;
- Insert new pages, delete pages completely;
- Insert new text objects, using embedded or non-embedded fonts;
- Insert lines, and other simple graphic shapes;
- Insert images from bitmap files;
- Delete any type of object from the page;
- Change font, font size, color and other text attributes for text objects;
- Change line width, fill type, color, and other graphic attributes for graph objects;
- Transform any type of objects, including rotation, shearing, scaling, and moving;
- You can make single or multiple selections of page objects, so you can change or delete them by group;
- Undo any type of editing (insert, delete, or change) you have done;
- Copy and paste any type of objects, single or group, from or to any PDF page, within the same document, or between different PDF documents;
- Copy and paste pure text from or to any other Windows applications;
- Copy and paste image from or to any other Windows applications;
- Save modified document into the same PDF file, or another new PDF file.
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